Some have wondered about the name. Well, just a brief look into the name.
In the past I served as a Marine Embassy Guard at the embassies in Tokyo, Japan and Kathmandu, Nepal.
This has given me a background in security. The national airline in Japan is Japanese Air Lines (JAL) or Nippon Air Lines (NAL)(Nippon is Japanese for Japan). The national airline in Nepal is Royal Nepal
Airlines. Royal Nepal Airlines had only one jet when I was there. Today I understand that they have two. The mascot of the airline was a Yeti, and thus they had Yeti Service. I enjoyed the
name and I enjoyed my time in Nepal. As a result, I called my company Yeti Services. My site Kathmandu Kid will have some of my pictures and stories from the Marine Corps and other times. I have created two new sites for my Marine Embassy Guard information. I have a site for Marines in Kathmandu Nepal and one for the Marines in Tokyo Japan. Please visit.
My Mother passed away (Good Friday 2000 was her birthday and she passed away on Easter morning 2000). She has taken many pictures
and created many paintings and drawings. She has also written some poetry, knitted and sewn. I will be putting some of these items up on the web for all to see. She was born in New Zealand and has spent most of her life in Texas. I have created a site for her at All are welcome to visit and see some of her talents.