I have tried at least some of the products from companies listed on this page. I do not receive any compensation from these
companies. Banner ads at the bottom of the page I could receive compensation at some time.
NeoWorx, Inc. - NeoWorx provides several utility products for the use with the internet. I have tried NeoTrace and think it is a pretty nice little product.
NeoWorx has been bought by McAfee.
NetObjects - I have used NetObject Fusion for web development since 1997. I
started with version 3 and have purchased each version since. I have found it is the easiest application for developing web sites and enabling me to keep a
uniform look. It is a page layout type application. NetObject’s assets were purchased in 2001 by WebSite Pros and they are continuing the development of
the application. As of version 7, WebSite Pros has terminated commisions for referals. This site and most that I maintain are developed with Fusion.